- The Bible is God's Word. There is only one God, yet He reveals Himself as a Trinity of persons in essential unity.
- Jesus Christ, truly man and truly God was born of a virgin.
- He died on our behalf and in our place and by His sacrifice we may have peace with God. He rose from the dead, and is in heaven.
- He will personally return to this world.
- The Holy Spirit is a divine person. He is now active in the world and lives in every believer.
- Following the fall of Adam and Eve, all people have sinned. Freedom from the power and penalty of sin is found only through acceptance of Christ's sacrifice, and by the presence of the Holy Spirit.
- Salvation is not simply a rescue operation. It opens us to receive God's goodness by faith, and leads on to a conquest of death (by resurrection) and eternal communion with God.
- Those who reject God's salvation will experience eternal punishment.
Statement of Faith
Our core beliefs, there's not a long list of things that are important to us, but there is a short one.